Public Records Search
Verify candidates by searching thousands of global sources with Certn’s Softcheck. In just a few seconds, you’ll be able to green light hires or action red flags.
*Contact us to explore larger-scale packages and customized pricing. Pricing is subject to change.
Drive your hiring decisions with global records.
Comprehensively cross-reference candidates.
Check a person’s name against thousands of global databases. With Certn’s online public records search, no stone is left unturned.
Build a safe and trustworthy workforce.
Certn checks a candidate’s name against thousands of databases from sex offender registries to politically exposed persons lists to regulatory violations records.
Be diligent in global hiring.
Done alongside other background checks, Certn helps mitigate your risk of workplace safety issues, compliance, and financial liabilities.
Which Public Records Does this Search?
Public record checks as simple as 1, 2, 3.
Certn is the easiest way to check your candidates’ backgrounds. There’s no setup fees, no minimums, and no hassle.
1. Select your relevant checks
Pick the products you need — and skip the ones you don’t.
2. Candidates complete checks online
A secure, encrypted link begins the verification process.
3. Your detailed verification report gets created
Results are consolidated and sent for your review.
Get the world’s easiest public record checks with Certn.
Softcheck is a search of thousands of international data sources for identification of potential illegal behaviour, incidents of fraud, regulatory violations, and negative media information. This service also includes searches of country sanction lists, politically exposed persons lists, sex offender registries, terrorist registries, and most wanted lists from around the world.
This service is not available on US candidates.
To send a public records check to an applicant, all you need is the applicant’s name and email. Of course, they’ll have to consent to the background check like all other checks!
The process for the candidate is simple. Here’s how it works:
- A secure link is emailed to the person.
- The person consents to the check and inputs their information.
- Certn’s technology scans public databases and documents findings in a report.
The results are available in your Certn client dashboard instantly.
After the candidate successfully submits their information, public records search results are available in minutes. Turnaround times may be instant if the results come back clear. In some cases where the information needs to be verified, it could take a few days.