Candidate Tips

Candidate using tips for addressing a criminal record in a job interview over laptop virtual interview in conference room
Tips for Addressing a Criminal Record in an Interview

Whether or not you’re hired with a criminal record depends on many factors. Here are some tips for addressing a criminal record in an interview.

Hiring manager performing online background check to show how background checks work
How Do Background Checks Work

In this blog post, we answer the question, “How do background checks work?”

Woman looking at results to depict what do background checks reveal
What Do Background Checks Reveal

Background checks are a standard practice in screening nowadays. Here’s what do background checks reveal.

Worried woman performing online background check on laptop while someone else on phone
Don’t Be Intimidated by Background Checks: What Candidates Need to Know

Worried? Don’t be intimidated by background checks. Certn’s background screening experts share what you need to know.