Improve Brand Reputation with Background Screening

Starbucks cup with brand logo to show importance of protecting brand reputation with background checks

In today’s world, a good reputation is hard to build and easy to destroy. With the transition to the digital era, it is now easier than ever to know in an instant the reputation of a business. Background screening has become the ‘new norm’ amongst businesses of all sizes as society continues to adapt to the digital landscape due to the global pandemic. As companies search for alternative options to keep their employees safe as well as their assets, background screening isn’t just for ensuring new hires align with company ethics, but can also help your business maintain a positive brand image. 

Here are a few ways that background screening software like Certn can help any organization achieve a positive brand image:

Builds a community based on trust and safety

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Every business wants their employees to feel safe and secure, whether that be in the office or working remotely. Harvard Business Reviews reported employees who felt high trust in their employers were: 

  • 74% less stressed
  • 50% less productive
  • 106% had more energy at work
  • 13% had fewer sick days
  • 76% engaged more
  • 29% felt more satisfaction in their lives
  • 40% felt less burnout

Regularly implementing background checks directly results in a cohesive workgroup, as well as an environment where individuals are able to rely on and trust each other. Taking steps to build a culture that exceeds expectations isn’t just great for employees, it contributes to an employer reputation that protects the image of your organization and encourages future candidates to want to partake. 

Manages reputation  & prevents issues before they arise

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Companies work hard to keep their reputation in good standings with the public, employees, and stakeholders. The damage that could happen if companies are not regularly screening employees can be very damaging to not only the brand but also the work culture.

According to CareerBuilder survey, 75% of employers said they have hired the wrong person for a position, which nearly cost them on average $17,000 per employee. The post-pandemic digital era has allowed for information both bad or good to be spread online at a rapid pace that has never been seen before. Meaning that now, more than ever, businesses need to place their reputation at the forefront, as one negative candidate experience during the hiring process can cost them thousands of dollars. 

By having a proper background screening process in place, your business can easily avoid these common occurrences:

  • 58% of employees that were hired without a background screen didn’t produce the proper quality of work 
  • 52% of employees that were hired without a background screen had a negative attitude 
  • 51% of employees that were hired without a background screen didn’t work well with other colleagues

User-friendly background screening software 

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Businesses are always seeking out new innovative ways to help increase productivity while not affecting workflow. Nearly 67% of corporations said that incorporating new software and technology solutions into their workflow allowed them to stay competitive in their respected industries. With Certn your business will be able to have peace of mind knowing that the proper background screenings are happening in order to protect not only your business’s image but your employees as well. Certn offers user-friendly background screening software that can be utilized throughout different industries such as:

  • Food production
  • Retail
  • Construction
  • Transportation
  • Logistics
  • Staffing & Recruiting
  • Sports Association
  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Technology


The way that the public perceives your business is everything – especially in a world where information can be accessed at any time. The digital hiring era is among us and now, more than ever, there are more qualified applicants looking to join organizations where they can feel trusted and safe. 

With a large variety of different background screenings offered by Certn, our background checks are seamless, transparent, and easy to incorporate software that provides a safe option for your organization. When your business incorporates a regular background screening policy it allows for transparency and begins to build a culture of open and honest communication. Different types of background checks can be easily incorporated into your business’s workflow with Certn and allow for your business reputation to be a priority. 

Ready to get started? We have a variety of solutions, including Employment Verification, Credit Checks, and Education Verifications that can help any industry stay on top of its hiring process!  

You can book a demo with one of our industry experts to make sure your business stays one step ahead and ready for the new digital era.

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